The Witness
Years earlier, the Witness was robbed, shot, and left for dead. But now, his nightmare was back, and he had to face it head-on. The case against the shooter was starting in a week, and the Witness was going to have to take the stand and testify.
The Defendant
The defendant had been robbing, murdering, and was a general menace to society most of his life. In fact, the defendant had been arrested several times, but nothing ever stuck. Strangely, witnesses suffered sudden onset amnesia. Sometimes, they disappeared from the face of the earth–never to be seen or heard from again.
Word on the street was our Witness was living on borrowed time, and we’d likely find the Witness dead in a ditch. The Defendant was going to make sure the Witness wouldn’t have a chance to point any fingers.
The Trial
Finally, time for the trial arrived. The witness came to the courtroom through a back entrance with his armed escort and took a seat on the witness stand.
Would the witness follow through? Would he risk everything and tell the truth or would he fold under the eyes of his shooter?
Without the slightest hesitation, the Witness told his story. He described in detail how the Defendant busted in the door of his home, robbed, and shot him. He told jurors he crawled, bleeding to a neighbors house for help. The Witness never blinked. He never faltered. He stood fast.
Keep your eyes on me
Over the years, I’ve had more than one frightened witness on the stand: children, adults, gang bangers, widows. Each time, I tell them “you have to be in the same room, but you don’t have to look at them.” “No matter where I am in the room, look at me, and we will get through this.”
Isn’t that what God tells us, “Hey! Take your eyes off the problem, keep your eyes on me, and I’ll get you through this.” John 12: 45-46.
Easier said than done, I know. It’s easy to obsess over empty wallets, broken hearts, a wayward child, or a worrisome diagnosis. Fear, worry, and uncertainty fill our hearts and minds. Indeed, we’re filled to the point where there’s room for nothing else.
At this point, the enemy has us exactly where he wants us–wringing our hands, preparing mental checklists of worst-case scenarios, and wondering where is God.
What do we do now?
What do we do when we feel we’re drowning in uncertainty? King Jehoshaphat had the same question. Three armies were ready to wipe him and his people out of existence. What did he do? He fell to his knees, and prayed. 2 Chronicles 20.
He prayed, “We don’t know what to do, but our eyes are on you.” 2 Chronicles 20:12. I adore Jehoshaphat’s prayer. More times than I can count, I have been at a loss for words. So scared or worried, where all I could manage was “God, I don’t have a clue here. I just need your help ’cause you’re the only One who can get me out of this mess.” Psalms 25:15.
God doesn’t need fancy, even for the most chaotic messes. Jehoshaphat’s simple prayer was enough. It saved a nation and it saved me.
Heavenly Father, show us how to live out our faith when we are scared or worried. Give us the peace of mind only you can provide. Ease our nerves, calm our hearts, and show us the way out. Amen.
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